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Who needs riding gear? huh? Not us, because . . .

Riding without boots and crashing might cost you some road rash or foot mash or even in an extreme case might lead to amputation. You might never walk without a limp. You might battle a weight and fitness problem for the rest of your life. You might never walk with pain. But it probably wouldn't kill you.

Riding without gloves and crashing might cost you some road rash or a munched hand or the severe, excrutiating pain of mangling a body part rich with nerve endings. Or you could lose a finger or two. It could cost you the ability to play ball with your son, or to hold a beer. But it probably wouldn't kill you.

Riding without at least an armored jacket and leather trousers or full leathers or an Aerostich or even just a leather jacket and jeans and crashing might cost you serious road rash. You might grind off a nipple. But it probably won't kill you. Read more . . .

1 comment:

Mad Max said...

Hey Guys,

Good stuff, keep it coming!


nice site, and blog too, of course the site could do with an udpate, keep at it, you guys are going places. Let me know if you need anything,
